8.3 Release Notes - Resolved Technical Issues

Answer Field Maximums for Assessment Questions (3417)

The field maximums for answers for all assessment questions have been updated to be more consistent with the general field limits within LearnFlex. Specifically, the following limits have been made:

·        True or False answer: Changed from 3000 to 255 characters.

·        Multiple choice answer: Changed from 3000 to 600 characters.

·        Multiple answer: Changed from 3000 to 350 characters.

·        Single Answer: Changed from 3000 to 100 characters.

·        Essay: Changed from 3000 to 1000 characters.

·        Calculation: Changed from 3000 to 25 characters.

·        Matching: Changed from 3000 to 100 characters.

·        Ranking: Changed from 3000 to 600 characters.

·        Likert: Changed from 3000 to 100 characters.

Field Values and Maximum in the Session Credit Hours Field (3451)

For consistency, the accepted values (maximum 8 numbers including a decimal) in the Session Credit Hours field when editing session details now matches that of the Course Credit Hours field on the Course Additional screen.

Left-hand Side Menus Enabled by Wrong Security Setting (3533)

Previously, the Facility Type and Facilities left-hand side menus were incorrectly controlled only by security setting 803: Team total seats - Allow edit when they should have been controlled when security setting 800: Teams is enabled and security setting 803: Team total seats – Allow edit is disabled.

This issue has been resolved.

Security Setting not Affecting All Applicable Locations (4293, 4924, 4295, 10555)

Previously, security setting 677: Security was not being applied to the results of the Mark a Test and the Test Completion report when it should have been.

This issue has been resolved. When security setting 667: Security is enabled, then only designated users can mark that test or view all results of the Test Completion report.

Error when Attempting to Delete Sections, Tasks, or Questions with Content (4331)

Previously, an error would when trying to delete sections, tasks, or questions that have pre, within, and/or post content associated with them. Sections, tasks, and questions cannot be deleted if they have content associated with them.

This issue has been resolved. Messages are now displayed when attempting to delete sections, tasks, or questions that have content associated with them.

Competencies Removed from LearnTracks without Warning to Users (4418)

Previously, when saving a new competency in a LearnTrack that belongs to one competency authority, the original competencies that belong to a different competency authority were automatically removed without any message to users to alert them of this.

This issue has been resolved. A message is now displayed to users about this situation.

NLT Controlling Labels on Different Screens (4697)

Previously, a single NLT controlled the label of the text box that appeared on the Course Additional (Additional Information) and Session Basics (Additional) screens.

To maintain product flexibility, the following NLTs are used:

·        NLT 742193 on Course Additional (Additional Information) and Preview Course SettingsAdditional Information label.

·        NLT 106452 on Session Basics (Additional) and Preview Course SettingsMore Info button – Additional label.

Missing Course Code Information after Exporting Report Results to Microsoft Excel (6250)

Previously, course code information was not being displayed for the Course Usage report after exporting to Microsoft Excel.

This issue has been resolved

Error and Display Issue in Conference Registration Report (6376)

In the Conference Registration report, the error Problems During Load would be displayed after clicking the MS. Excel/Mail Merge button and saving the report in Microsoft Excel. When opening it up in Microsoft Excel, the report would not display properly.

This issue has been resolved. The error is now longer displayed and the report loads properly in Microsoft Excel.

Incorrect LearnFlex Build Version (7135)

Previously, the Build Version value on the Global Settings screen did not reflect the actual build version of LearnFlex.

This issue has been resolved.  

Errors when Launching a Course from the Learning Plan (7499)

Previously, internal server errors were being generated intermittently when launching a course from the learning plan.

This issue has been resolved.

Repeated Results in SkillSoft Search (7883)

When security setting 816: Skillsoft Search include Resources was enabled, resources would be displayed twice (once for the resource name and once for the resource’s keyword) in the results in the SkillSoft search.

This issue has been resolved.

Cannot Access Featured Learning Activities (7959)

Previously, when users clicked the links for featured learning activities in which they were enrolled, their learning plans were displayed as blank screens instead of the selected learning activities unless security setting 789: Individual Courses was enabled.

This issue has been resolved. Users can now access featured learning activities without security setting 789: Individual Courses enabled for their cohorts.

Issue with Filtering Sessions in Survey Reports (8646)

Previously, certain survey reports would not filter their results based on a selected session, but instead would contain results for other sessions to which the survey was assigned.

This issue has been resolved. Survey report results contain information as expected in the Summary report, Selective Summary report, Comment report, Single responses report, and the Date Export report.

Incomplete Account Confirmation Messages (8732)

An issue with tokens in account confirmation messages not populating all of the required data has been resolved.

No Emails Sent when Automatically Registered in a LearnTrack Course (8757)

Previously, the LearnTrack - Auto-Register After Completion email was not being sent to students when they were being automatically being registered into a course within a LearnTrack.

This issue has been resolved. Emails and messages will be sent to users properly when they are registered into courses automatically that belong to LearnTracks.

Class List not Sorted by Last Name (8940)

An issue with the class roster sorting student names by LearnFlex ID instead of by last name has been resolved.

Now, when the class roster is accessed, all names are sorted alphabetically by users last names.

Additional Field not Populated after Import (8965)

Previously, the text to be entered in the Additional field on the Session Basics screen was not imported with a course import.

This issue has been resolved.

Profile Screens in English Only (9217)

Previously, profile screens in user mode were displayed only in English, even though the language was successfully changed in other parts of LearnFlex using the Dynamic Language drop-down list.

This occurred only using Mozilla Firefox.

This issue has been resolved.

Cannot Search in FireFox (9272)

Previously, when users clicked the Search button within the Global Search using a mouse in Firefox 6, the screen was unresponsive.

This issue has been resolved.

Test Report does not Close (9629)

Previously, when users completed an assessment and clicked the Finish button on the Report of Test displayed at the end of the assessment, the screen refreshed instead of closing the report.

This issue has been resolved.

Welcome Screen not Displaying Dynamic Language Selection Immediately (9925)

Previously, changing the dynamic language did not update the Welcome screen in the selected language until the page was reloaded (moving away and then returning to the screen).

Additionally, if the language was changed to a second language but then changed back to the original one, the Welcome screen reloaded in the wrong language.

These issues have been resolved. The Welcome screen is displayed immediately in the correct language when the dynamic language is changed.

Display of HTML Tags for Courses in LearnFlex Mobile (9981)

Previously, HTML tags were visible when viewing the course search results or learning plan courses (course name and description) in LearnFlex Mobile.  

This issue has been resolved.

Printing the Print and Close Buttons on the Achievement Record (10023)

Previously, printing a user’s achievement record (All Courses view) would erroneously include the Print and Close buttons on the printed output.

This issue has been resolved.

Missing Date and Time in Enrollment and Waiting Lists (10113)

In some cases, upgrading to LearnFlex caused the date and time to be missing from the Date Registered column on the Enrolled and Waiting pop-up windows and in class lists.  

This issue has been resolved.

Security not Applied to Marking Tests (10145)

Previously, administrators were able to access all tests from the Mark a Test menu even though security setting 677: Security was enabled and the administrators were not assigned to the curriculum groups associated with the tests.

This issue has been resolved.

Printing the Print and Close Buttons on the Transcript (Grades Assignment) (10193)

Previously, printing a user’s transcript (Grades Assignment > Student) would erroneously include the Print and Close buttons on the printed output.

This issue has been resolved.

Incorrect Functionality in Action Drop-down List for an Assessment (10210)

Previously, selecting any of Delete, Preview, or Save as new from the Action drop-down list for an assessment would not complete the selected action but instead would prompt the user to export the assessment.

This issue has been resolved. The correct action is performed when selected.

Promo Text Label Incorrectly Displayed as Button (10213)

In the results of a course search using either the catalogue or Advanced search, any course that was set to Display Only in Session Basics displayed a non-functioning button called Promo instead of a label.

This issue has been resolved.

High Volume of Errors in Error Log (10328)

When additional error logging was enabled, a high number of errors would have added to the LearnFlex error log table.

This issue has been resolved. Additional logging has been removed when not needed.

Exclamation Marks in Login Page Failed Password Message (10431)

When a user would enter an incorrect password during login, the resulting message contained exclamation marks that could not be removed even when modifying the related NLT.  

This issue has been resolved. The exclamation marks have been removed.