8.4 Release Notes - User Application

New Transcript (5297)

A new version of the transcript is now available. This version allows users to sort and filter the data displayed and to generate a printer-friendly PDF of the transcript. See Achievement Record: Transcript - Version 2 for more details.

Note: To enable this version of the transcript or to customize its appearance, contact your LearnFlex representative.

Configurable Grading Precision (5751)

To provide consistency throughout LearnFlex, grades can now be configured to be displayed either rounded to two decimal places (e.g. 2/3 = 66.67) or truncated to whole numbers (e.g. 2/3 = 66). See the Grade Precision Overview for more details.

The grade precision setting applies to percentage grades in the following locations in User mode:

·        All Courses, LearnTracks, and Transcript in the Achievement Record menu

·        Assessment summary report and launch screen

·        AICC/SCORM summary report (Report button on the Learning Plan screen)

The Passing Score of Test on the assessment summary report is not affected by the grade precision setting. It is displayed as-is based on the minimum passing grade configured for the session.

Learning Plan Navigation Changes (6824)

To simplify learners’ navigation to course content, the following enhancements have been made:

When a user clicks a featured learning link for a course they are enrolled in:

·        If the course is a requirement of a LearnTrack the user is enrolled in, the link now goes to the LearnTrack screen of their Learning Plan. If LearnTrack Version 2 is enabled, the link will go directly to the specific LearnTrack. If the course is a requirement of two or more LearnTracks the user is enrolled in, the link will go to the LearnTrack with the most recent registration date.

·        If the course is not a requirement of a LearnTrack the user is enrolled in, the link now goes to the Individual Courses screen of their Learning Plan. If security setting 789: Individual Courses is not enabled for the user’s cohort, the link instead goes to the default Learning Plan screen for the user’s community.

When a user clicks a featured learning link for a course they previously completed and that was a requirement of a completed LearnTrack, the link now goes to the Achievement Record screen for the specific LearnTrack.

When a user clicks an Enrolled or In Progress status link on the Course Information screen:

·        If the course is a requirement of a LearnTrack the user is enrolled in, the link now goes to the LearnTrack screen of their Learning Plan. If LearnTrack Version 2 is enabled, the link will go directly to the specific LearnTrack.

·        If the course is not a requirement of a LearnTrack the user is enrolled in, the link now goes to the Individual Courses screen of their Learning Plan. If security setting 789: Individual Courses is not enabled for the user’s cohort, the link instead goes to the default Learning Plan screen for the user’s community.

Note: To display the registration status as a link, enable security setting 778: Link to Learning Plan on Enrolled/In Progress Courses.

When a user completes a course, they are now returned to the screen from which they launched the course. If a user completes the last course of a LearnTrack, they are instead returned to the main LearnTracks screen in the Learning Plan.

When a user self-completes or cancels a course, they remain on the screen from which they cancelled or self-finished the course. This now includes when LearnTrack Version 2 is enabled and the user self-completes or cancels a course from a specific LearnTrack view.

Accessible Buttons (8291)

For improved accessibility with screen readers, users can now navigate between buttons in User Mode and Admin Mode using the Tab key.

Enhancements to Reenrollment (8463)

See the Reenrollment Overview and the Admin Mode release notes for details about the changes to reenrollment.

Truncated Search (8695)

Global Search has been updated to return results for partial search terms that match the beginning of a word. For example, a search for “info” will return items containing the word “information”.

Course Information Link (9210)

On the Course Additional screen, administrators may now specify a URL to provide additional information about the course to users. This link is displayed on the Course Properties Report and on the Course Information screen.

Advanced Search Instructions (9211)

A blank NLT (743430) has been added to the top the Advanced Search screen. This can be used by administrators to provide instructions or guidance to users on how to use the advanced search.