Grade Precision Overview


Percentage grades can be configured to be displayed in LearnFlex with one of two precision settings:

·        Truncated to Whole Numbers: With this grade precision setting, grades are displayed with any numbers after the decimal place discarded. For example, a user who answered 2 out of 3 questions correctly on a test would see their grade displayed as 66%.

·        Rounded to Two Decimal Places: With this grade precision setting, grades are displayed rounded to with two decimal places. For example, a user who answered 2 out of 3 questions correctly on a test would see their grade displayed as 66.67%. A user who answered 8 out of 10 questions correctly would see their grade displayed as 80.00%.

The global precision setting does not affect the value of grades stored in the database, only what is displayed to the user.

Contact your LearnFlex representative to change the global grade precision setting for your LearnFlex environment.

Modifiable Grades

In some locations in Admin mode where grades can be modified by administrators, the global grade precision setting does not apply. In some of these locations, grades are displayed as stored in the database, but with a maximum of two decimal places, rounded down to two decimal places if applicable. For example, 2/3 would display as 66.67 while 8/10 would display as 80. Similarly, if a grade is entered by an administrator with more than two decimal places (e.g. 12.345) it is rounded to two decimal places (e.g. 12.35).

Note: To actually modify a grade, applicable security settings need to be enabled. If a security setting is disabled and the grade is not modifiable, it is still displayed as described here.