Visual Reports


In addition to the standard and customizable reports available, LearnFlex provides Visual reports, which are customizable instances of specific reports that provide graphical information (no specific data) to users both in Admin and User modes within specified communities and cohorts. Typically, these reports summarize most frequently reviewed data in LearnFlex as determined by an administrator (or the person who configured Visual reports).

LearnFlex uses a wizard that allows you to specify the parameters of your report instance. Because each report instance is different, some of the elements you can specify can be different from instance to instance. For example, you can specify that a report should be visible in User mode but not in Admin mode, or that a report should be visible only to certain communities. Additionally, when you have two or more Visual reports for a community, you can indicate the order in which they should be presented to users.

For added flexibility, LearnFlex also provides a dynamic link that you can copy and paste into other areas, such as the Welcome screen. This means that users can access reports from multiple areas of LearnFlex instead of only the expected locations.

Initially, no report instances will be configured when you first access Visual reports although the report definitions will be available.

Types of Visual Reports

·        Dashboard Stats: Provides an updated format of the Executive Dashboard.

·        Enrollments by Catalogue (pie): Indicates the number of registrations (either Enrolled or In Progress) for a specified date range and group. This report is recommended for administrators.  

·        Learner Enrollments (bar): Allows learners to view the number of courses for each group that are available for them to enroll in, the number they have completed, and the number they are currently enrolled in (based on their current available catalogue). Because the user name in this report is dynamic, the Is User Dynamic box needs to be checked. This report is recommended for learners.  

·        Top Accessed Resources (column): Lists the most popular links for learners in a specified community, cohort, and business unit during a specified date range.

·        Instructor Class Enrollments (column): Displays the top enrolled courses that a user is instructing based on a specified time period. For each course, it displays the number of enrolled, maximum enrollments allowed, and the number of learners that are on the waiting list. It is recommended for instructors.  It is dynamic based on the viewer.

·        LearnTrack Progress Report (column): Reports on the number of learners who have enrolled but not yet completed a LearnTrack. This report is recommended for managers.  

·        Competency Achievements (pie): Displays the percentage of learners in a selected business unit and community who have achieved competencies associated with a selected job position. While the business unit, community, and job position fields are dynamic, the viewer must still be in the criteria to view their specific representation of the data. This report is recommended for managers.  

·        Top Enrollments (column): Displays the number of registrations currently Enrolled or In Progress for a specified date range and group. This report is recommended for administrators.  

·        Course Credits Community (bar): Displays the number of course credit hours achieved per instructional media type for a targeted user, user group, or viewing user as compared to the average user in the targeted business unit/community. Both the business unit and user names are dynamic.

·        Enrollments by Business Unit (column): Displays the enrollment numbers for courses within one or more specified business units. The business unit can be dynamic or specified. This report is recommended for managers but can also be used by learners.  

You can create and manage as many instances of any of these reports as needed, but you cannot change or delete the report definitions themselves.

Configuring Visual Reports

1.      Enable security settings 853: View Visual Report, 856: View Visual Reports, and 857: View Visual Reports.

2.      Configure the custom link for the Visual Reports menu in User mode.

3.      Create your Visual report instances.

4.      View your reports in Admin and/or User mode.