Create a Terms and Conditions Acceptance Report


Using Report Builder, you can create a report with details about terms and conditions acceptance including those users who have accepted or rejected the terms, when they were last presented the terms, and so on.

Note: This tutorial assumes that you know how to create a report in Report Builder. See the Creating a Custom Report Using Report Builder topic for more information about creating reports.


1.      From the Reports module, select the Report Builder sub-menu.

2.      Click the Create a report button to begin creating your report.

3.      From the Select Fields left-hand side menu item, select the following fields from the Terms and Conditions Response and User objects:

Object: Terms and Conditions Response

Value Returned

Object: User

Value Returned


"T" if accepted, "F" if not accepted.

User Name

The value in the User Name field of the user's profile.

Last Date Presented

The date the terms and conditions were last presented to the user.

First Name

The value in the First Name field of the user's profile.



Last Name

The value in the Last Name field of the user's profile.



Community Name

The name of the community to which the user belongs.

Hint: Use the Grouping/Totals option in the left-hand side menu to organize the data returned by community, acceptance, and so on.

4.      From the left-hand side menu, select Criteria.

5.      Click the Add button to begin selecting criteria.

6.      From the Object drop-down list, select Auditing.

The screen refreshes and the fields available in the Auditing list are populated in the Field drop-down list.

7.      From the Field drop-down list, select Date Time.

The screen refreshes and the values available in the Comparison drop-down list are populated.

8.      From the Comparison drop-down list, select Greater than or equal to display the date drop down lists from which to select a beginning date for the date range.

9.      Check the Display box to display the criterion to those administrators who will run the report.

10.  Click Save to keep your changes.

11.  Repeat steps five to 10, selecting Less than or equal to from the Comparison drop-down list to display the date drop down lists for the end date of the date range.

12.  Select Save Report from the left-hand side menu.

13.  Enter a Title for your report.

A value must be entered in the Title (English) field before the report can be saved.

14.  Select any cohorts with whom you want to share the report from the System Administrators and Users sections at the bottom of the screen.

15.  Click Save and Finish to save you report.

Once saved, your report is available in the My Reports sub-menu of the Reports module. If you chose to share it with other administrators, they can find it in the Shared Reports sub-menu.