Managing Course Schemas - Course Status


1.      From the Settings menu, select Course, then Course Schema.

Note: This menu is available when security setting 793: Course Schema is enabled.

The Course Schema screen is displayed:


Course Schema - Selecting a Community

2.      From the Community Type drop-down list, select the community for which you would like to create a course schema.

The Course Status section of the Course Schema screen is shown below:


Course Schema - Course Status Settings

You can configure the following default settings in this section:

·        In the Activation Date field, enter the default number of days after which a course will be activated.

·        Check the Activation Date Enabled box to have the Activation Date box checked by default on the Publish This Course screen.

·        In the Expiration Date field, enter the default number of days after which a course will be deactivated.

·        Check the Expiration Date Enabled box to have the Expiration Date box checked by default on the Publish This Course screen.

Note: The number of days is relative to the date on which the course is created. For example, a value of 0 for the activation date would mean that courses default to being active on the date they are created. A value of 365 for the expiration date would mean that courses default to being deactivated after 1 year. In either case, the Activation Date or Expiration Date box would need to be checked on the Publish This Course screen.