Automated Messages Overview


Automated messages allow you to configure and send messages to one or more users at a user-defined time. Messages are seen by users in their Message Centre until they delete them, or the messages are removed automatically based on the message configuration. The sender will be shown as the user who actually sent the message.

You can choose to send a message to one of six types of recipients: a cohort, a class, bundle members (those enrolled in LearnTracks), a business unit, a community, or an individual.

Message Types

Your message can be one of the following message types:

·        Accommodations/Travel

·        Broadcast

·        Course

·        Notifications

·        Registration

·        Special Needs

These types simply help the user distinguish one message from another in their Message Centre, as they can sort message by type.

Promotional Emails

Promotional emails are not spam, but are generally intra company correspondence sent out by your administrators to advertise new courses, and so on. They are flagged as such when creating the automated message.

Message Text

Messages can be written in plain text or HTML code. but attachments (if any) should be added before composing the message.

File Attachments

You can add attachments to automated messages in LearnFlex. You should note the following information:

·        The maximum size of each attachment is set in the Attachment Maximum Upload Size Limit global setting.

·        Accepted file types for attachments are: xls, .txt, .ppt, .jpg, .gif, .htm, .html, .pdf, .doc, and .docx.

·        You need to attach your file before composing the message.

The attachment will be a link within the message's pop-up window.

You can indicate the day, month, and year the message will be available in users' Message Centre, and when the message will be removed.

For some groups, you can also indicate the message should be emailed too. If specified, the email is sent immediately, regardless of the publish date for the message.

Tracking Automated Messages

Administrators can track whether users have read their messages. messages are tracked as being read. This allows managers to run reports to see who has read specific messages. If, for example, a manager sees some people have not read a critical message, other means of communication can be employed to ensure everyone gets the message.

Managing Automated Messages

After you have created them, your automated messages are stored in the Edit or Delete Existing Message module. You can select the message that you want to edit, and re-send it with adjusted or existing details. You can also remove them from your list as needed.