You can use the following buttons and menus to navigate around any E-Classroom course:
· Course Content: This is where you view and interact with the course materials. While in this section, you can carry out a number of navigational operations including the following:
· Restart: Starts the course at the first screen.
· Previous: Moves the course to the previous screen.
· Next: Moves the course to the next screen.
· Finish: Ends the course, and summarizes the results of any tests.
· Report: Generates a report on test results to date in the course.
· Index: Gives a hierarchical menu of all screens. Click on a screen name to go directly to it. Click on Index again (or the X in the upper right hand corner of the menu) to have the index disappear.
· Bookmark: Allows you to name a screen as a bookmark. When you click Bookmark, a list of marked screens is generated. Click on the name of the screen to go directly to it. This option is available when bookmarks have been enabled within the selected assessment (or any of its levels).