Grades Settings Security Settings

Security Settings List

·        43: Grades Assignment: Displays the Grades Assignment sub-menu within the Courses module in Admin mode.

·        520: Grades – Display Past Sessions: Displays the Display Past Session check box when searching for a session in the Grades Assignment module.

·        521: Grades – Display Hidden Sessions: Displays the Display Hidden Sessions check box when searching for a session in the Grades Assignment module.

·        522: Grades – Course Search: Displays the Courses left-hand side menu where users can manage grades by course.

·        523: Grades – User Search: Displays the Students left-hand side where users can manage grades by student.

Note: If both security settings 522 and 523 are unchecked, then the Grades Assignment sub-menu is not displayed within the Courses module.

·        609: Grades – User Search – Edit Grades: Admin > Courses > Grades Assignment > Student search > Edit grade for a course.

·        699: Grades – Cancel Enroll Status: Admin > Security > Courses > Grades > Grades - Cancel Enroll Status.

·        796: Grades - Allow Editing: Enable this setting to provide administrators the ability to edit users’ grades and attachments  in the Grades Assignment sub-menu within the Courses module in Admin mode.

·        825: Marking Attendance: Allows administrators to mark attendance for sessions on the Course: Grades Administration screen.

·        826: View Marked Attendance: Allows administrators read-only access to attendance information for sessions on the Courses: Grades Administration screen.

·        827: Marking Duration: Enables display of the Duration column on all grading pages.