Use this area to create new cohort types and to specify the other cohorts that can manage the current one.
1. From the Settings menu, select User, then Cohort Management.
Note: This left-hand side menu is displayed when security setting 57: Cohort Management is enabled.
The following screen is displayed:
Cohort Management - Main Screen
2. Click Add beside the Type drop-down list.
The following screen is displayed:
Adding a Cohort Type
3. In the Name the Cohort Type field, enter a name for the new cohort.
This value is required.
4. In the External ID field, enter a value that can be used for external reporting.
You can enter a maximum of 20 characters (alphanumeric).
5. In the Cohort Type section:
· Check the Add boxes of those cohort types that you want to add to this cohort.
· Check the Delete boxes of those cohort types that you want to remove from this cohort.
6. Click Save.