Introduction to the Release Notes


The new functionality and resolved issues included in LearnFlex are presented numerically in these release notes.

Security Settings and Functionality

Generally, new security settings are identified when they have been added to LearnFlex.

However, some new security settings may be visible but not yet functional in this release. Therefore, they are not explained at this time, but will be when they become fully functional and available. If you have questions about new security settings not described in these release notes, contact your LearnFlex representative.

By default, security settings are all turned off in LearnFlex.

Client Versus Global Issues and Functionality

Release notes document global issues and functionality. Client-specific functionality and issues are reported in client support forums. The release notes may not document client-specific additional information even though it may be visible within LearnFlex.

Addendum to the Release Notes

Potentially, additional tickets may be available in the release that were not captured in these release notes at the time of its distribution. These additional tickets may be available in a later set of release notes.

System Requirements

Please see the current version of the LearnFlex – Installation Guide to verify that you have the correct system requirements installed.