Functionality Changes and Updates

Consistent Achievement Behaviour Between Content Engines

Previously, when course content was uploaded using the legacy engine and an assessment was included with the course, completion of either the course or the assessment resulted in a status of completed. At this point, the learning activity moved to the achievement record.

In LearnFlex 9, this behavior is consistent between engines. When content is uploaded using the legacy engine in courses that also include an assessment, the users must complete the assessment before the learning activity moves to their achievement records.


Supported Browsers

The browsers supported in LearnFlex 9 are as follows:


User and Admin Mode

·        Internet Explorer 8-10


User Mode Only

·        Chrome (latest)

·        Firefox (ESR)

·        Safari 5-7


Supported Uploaded Course Content Types

Legacy Engine

·        SCORM 1.2

·        AICC

·        XML Wrapper


Enhanced Engine

·        SCORM 1.2

·        SCORM 2004

·        AICC


Supported Online Content Types

·        External URL

·        SkillPort

·        SkillSoft