Filtering Your Learning Activities


From the left-hand side of your Learning Activities screen, you can use the variety of default and advanced views to filter your learning activities according to the status of the learning activity, methods of instruction, and more.

Note: Many of the options within these columns can be configured to display different options and language choices. Contact your LearnFlex representative as these configurations are not available within the LearnFlex user interface.

Using the Options in the Views Section

The Views section displays a series of default options for accessing your learning activities and the information about them.

This section is displayed below:

The options available by default and their functions are as follows:

·        Current Training: Select this option to view learning activities in which you are enrolled, that are in progress, or pending approval by a manager or administrator.

·        Completed Training: Select this option to view only those learning activities that you have already completed.

·        Courses: Select this option to view all stand-alone courses and those within LearnTracks, regardless of your status within them (enrolled, pending approval, completed, and more).

·        LearnTracks: Select this option to view all of your LearnTracks, regardless of your status within them (enrolled, pending approval, completed, and more).

·        Personal Achievements: Select this option to view all personal achievements that you have submitted, regardless of their status.

Using the Options in the Advanced Section

The Advanced section allows you to view your learning activities according status, method of instruction, courses or LearnTracks and a variety of combinations of the filters available.

This section is displayed below:

The options available by default and their functions are as follows:

·        Click the Expand link to view all of the filters available.

·        Click the Collapse link to view only the main Courses, LearnTracks, and Personal Achievements filters.

·        Check the boxes of any filters you want to apply.

·        Click the Apply link to apply your filter selections.

·        Click the Clear link to remove your selections and return to the default view.